So how exactly do we go about doing this?
Let me give you a bit of a backstory so you know just where we're at at the moment:
My husband & I owned a restaurant before Covid reared it's ugly head and shut us down. Being our main source of income (and all other businesses laying off or shutting down in our area) we ended up unable to make our house payments. Or utilities. Or car payment. You get the idea. We posted on indeed desperately looking for work and ended up landing a job 4 states away. So here we are, working a J.O.B. (Just Over Broke) and paying rent again. We went from buying a 6 bedroom house to renting a 3 bedroom. So imagine a house with a total of 21 rooms and all of it's accumulated contents. Now imagine those contents crammed into less than half the size! Essentially we are living in a storage unit.
How to make the stuff disappear? It's January, so a yard sale is out of the question. So... we started the painstaking process of listing items, one by one, on Facebook Marketplace with the hopes that we can get some of this out of our hair. At the very least, we should be able to get rid of all the large stuff. Then we'll have a yard sale in the spring to move the rest.
Figure out what we're going to travel in. So far the least expensive option we've found is a pop up tent camper. Call us crazy, but this is the option we've been leaning toward. There are a number of reasons why, but that's a post for another day,
Figure out means of income while traveling. Again, call us crazy, but we're looking at relying on social media & blogging our travels to keep us afloat. Neither of which we have the slightest idea on how to do. I literally Googled "how to start a blog" and here we go....
So there you have it. It's obviously it's not a very detailed plan at this point, but details will come later. We've been following some pretty amazing people on YouTube and have learned quite a bit. As I learn more and more how to do the social media thing, I'll begin posting about all the processes and details there.
In the meantime, if anyone has any pointers for us, please let us know. We are open to learning as much as we can, as quickly as we can. Thanks for reading, and be sure to follow us on our social media platforms! Just kidding, we don't have those yet...
